Monday, June 2, 2008

Farenheight 451

This was an odd film. It was showing how books were burned because they were thought to be bad to read. I did not really enjoy the movie particullarly, but I did see the point.

Week 4 Briefings

McCain is angry at lack of leadership of Obama and Clinton on Iraq issue. He believes that the "dramatic reduction" of violence in Iraq is influenced by the U.S army.

The Clinton campaign is still throwing allegations out at Obama, accusing his future plans of a handgun ban and his former involvement with a former underground radical. The same radical that the Clinton party is accusing him of involvement, Bill Clinton pardoned of all actions during his term. The Clinton party seems to be throwing out all stops in order to gain the lead once and for all.

Many Democrats are hoping that whoever wins between Clinton and Obama can put their differences aside and develop the “dream ticket.” Many Democratic voters said they would like to see both of them in the White House together.

McCain has started a week long tour of the “forgotten America.” He is making a point to visit places in the United States where the economy has moved on and left them behind.

In the next few days, Obama has decided to shift his focus from Clinton to McCain and ready his party in defining the republican candidate. In the upcoming days, many pledges are expected to be thrown into Obama's campaign, including many super delegate pledges.

After winning in PA yesterday, Clinton gave a victory speech in which she indicated that she intended to continue her fight, saying that the American president should never quit. She gave no signs of putting up a fierce fight against Obama in the next months. the more time the democrats spend fighting for the nomination in this primary, the more time McCain has to move in on the rest of the nation.

Clinton has been spending large amounts of time in small towns lately and talking with small communities in order to support her idea that she is a small town woman, and Obama is a more rural candidate who does not understand them.

Obama is getting criticism from skeptics about installing patriotism within voters. The problem seems to be that the Wright controversy had more to do with anti-Americanism than race. He needs to show his pride for his country rather than implicitly having it.

Some critics still feel Obama's is pressured by his pastors anti-white speech. He has been given titles such as leader and deceiver, though he has provided one of the most compassionate speeches of anti-prejudice since Kennedy.

Week 3 Briefings

McCain expressed in ABC Broadcast for his interview that as long as China advance for dialogue with the Dalai Lama, Mr. McCain does not participate for opening ceremony for Olympics in Beijing.

Hilary raises questions about Obama but is doing nothing to promote herself. It was discussed all Hilary has been talking about is Obama's credibility and not promoting her own and how this is back firing on her because nobody wants to hear negative bashing over and over again.

Clinton claims that Obama has been belittling small town voters and Obama denies it. The fight has hardened voters in both parties, and it could change the tides to a close match in Pennsylvania to a clean sweep if accusations are not cleared.

It has been determined that all three candidates have agreed on stopping Global Warming

Clinton is taking her attacks on Obama to the next level with an ad that will be released over the “bitter” remark made by Obama. This ad features the “insulted” Pennsylvanians over Obama’s statement that rural voters “cling to guns and religion because of their economic status.

John McCain delivered a speech saying that the tax code is complicated and proposed having a flat tax rate instead of a really complex code.

Polls show that Obama is shrinking the gap between him and Senator Hillary Clinton in Pennsylvania. Polls show that Clinton is leading Obama 46% to 40% and has the potential to win the primary vote. It is yet to be known if Obama’s “bitter” comment will affect his numbers but it doesn’t seem to be so far.

The Democratic candidates for the US presidency have both vowed to defend Israel against a potential attack by Iran during a debate ahead of the key Pennsylvania primary.

Taxes show the Clintons income increased after Bill left office to 109 million dollars.

A recent article talks about McCain and the topic of Social Security and Medicare, whether or not he has a plan. They say that he does but sort of a plan. They believe that sooner or later it will end and there will be no social security or Medicare.

Week 2 breifings

Book Sales Lifted Obama's Income in 2007 - Senator Obama released his 2007 tax return and showed a 4.2 million dollar increase due to the rapid selling of his book.

In Pennsylvania, the election for the Democrats has started on April, 22. Clinton had the lead over Obama.

John McCain wants to direct some of his attention to his experience instead of current issues.
Springsteen endorses Obama for President
Uncovered alligations of Mc Cain allegedly having an affair.

McCain supporters need to step it up to support his campaign if they want to see it go far. Studies show that McCain’s campaign account is running dry and lags behind both Democratic candidates in funds, which puts him behind both Clinton and Obama in his campaign.

On Foreign Policy, Competing Camps Within the G.O.P. Seek McCain's Ear. - The pragmatists and neoconservatives parties are each trying to get John McCain's attention about their specific points of veiw regarding foreign policy and the war.

Clinton’s daughter Chelsea Clinton has spoken at over 80 colleges on her mothers behalf and seems to be showing amazing support. She is on the road full-time to support her mother’s efforts.

Obama claims he knows the world better than the other candidates because of the time he spent traveling through Pakistan in 1981. he claims that "Foreign policy is the area where I am probably most confident that I know more and understand the world better than Senator Clinton or Senator McCain.

Obama warns China that if elected he would restrict access to US markets if Beijing doesn't stop manipulating the value of currency even though the Yuan has risen in recent weeks. China has also been criticized by Clinton for unsafe toys manufactured for the US.

Extra Credit

I really liked the panel. It really shows that people actually use there degrees they received instead of just settling for any job.

Music Appreciation

The song that stuck out to me the most was the University Kids song. Although it was kind of a silly song it stuck out in my mind because it was definately what happens in college. You are always broke and doing homework!

The Presidents Men

It was interesting to me how Watergate was really uncovered. It is scary how the media can publish so much with out a surce. This was such a detrimental discovery to our country and such an advancement for the importance of media.